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Assured Ways Building Self-Esteem

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When someone thinks of a person with self-esteem most people think of someone who has a positive attitude. While someone who generally has self-esteem could have a positive attitude, this is not what I am referring to.

Having self-esteem is when you have a high regard for yourself, when you value who you are. In other words, having self-esteem is when you have a strong belief and respect for yourself.

If you find yourself down a lot and have a hard time feeling good, you may be dealing with low self-esteem. Below you will find 3 ways to build your self esteem.

Give credit where credit is do:

When you accomplish a particular task give yourself credit for doing something successfully. It may be something as small as thanking someone for something. That is a success because you acknowledge something that someone has done for you. So, give yourself credit for the things you do. I bet if you really thought about it, you do a lot of successful things throughout the day. Start giving yourself credit for that.

Say good things to yourself:

When you accidentally drop or spill something, what are the first words out of your mouth If the words dummy, idiot, stupid, or any other negative words come out of your mouth, try not reacting to the situation. Take a deep breath and move on knowing we all have accidents. The point here is not to react to the situation. Give yourself a break, think good thoughts about yourself, and don't forget to laugh.

Accept the good in you:

Just like giving yourself credit for the success you have each day, acknowledge the things you know how to do well. There are things you can do better than anyone. If you gave it some thought you can come up with a number of things you do well. What are some of the things you do well Think about it, and when you do, write them down. So, the next time you are feeling down go back to the list you made and accept the good in you.

Building your self-esteem is going to help you take bigger risks and have a more fulfilling life. With a high self-esteem, you can accomplish anything. You will find yourself sticking with your goals, and taking on any challenge that comes your way. Building self-esteem does take time; however, anything that is going to help you live your life to the fullest is worth it. Try finding someone who can help you along the way, a friend, a mentor, or even a coach. You can do it, I know you can!

Easy Steps For Great Time Management

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Time management is one of the least-mastered and most-desired skills in out fast-paced modern world. Time management truly is critical to becoming successful, doing everything you want to, and achieving ultimate success.

What do you need to do to DOUBLE your time management ability

Do these things NOW:

1) Eliminate time wasters in your life. Time wasters are things that interrupt you and you spend time doing, but you wouldn't have chosen to do them given the choice. Eliminating these time wasters is critical for time management:

Email---If you are spending more than 30 minutes per day on email (unless that is your business) you are spending too much!

Telephone---If you answer the phone live more than 5 times per day during your productive time (work, work at home, etc.) you are sacrificing time management and efficiency. When you answer the phone, you interrupt your current productive flow and this kills your productivity.

Television---This must be limited for you to achieve ultimate control over your time. My recommendation is 30 minutes per day, especially if you are not getting all the things done you need or want to.

2) Make a list of what is genuinely important in your life and just start doing the things on your list. One of the keys to time management is prioritization---you absolutely must know what you want to accomplish and then go do it. Todays world has too many distractions and when you allow those distractions to become priority, you sacrifice time management. Follow these steps:

Make of list of what you want to accomplish

Set time frames for accomplishing each item

Organize each item in order of importance

Create a game plan for achieving each of your goals in its respective time frame

3) Begin to focus on time management throughout the course of the day. Your consistent focus must be on managing your time. Once you have determined your goals and your priorities, start focusing on simply getting those things done. If something isnt on your goals list for this weekdont do it until all your goals are done. When you prioritize every interruption that occurs and put your goals last, you will not accomplish your goals. Instead, you will be a slave (as you probably are now) to interruptions and probably feel like you never accomplish enough.

Ways To Enhance Your Attitude

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I would guess thousands of books and millions of words have been written on the importance of a positive mental attitude. At the center of every book on "Success" the key ingredient or secret to making it all work is a positive mental attitude.
Many professional athletes have figured this out and hire psychologists to help them with their mental attitudes to up their competitive advantage.

But what can you do when your just feeling blah and Nelly Negative just doesn't want to pack up and move along inside your head


Think about the song(s) or artist(s) that always has the power to move and shift your spirit for the better. If you are like me, certain music has much more power than others. I sort of look at it like pharmacology, and you are self medicating-define your state, and prescribe accordingly!


Too often it is easy to find ourselves focusing on what we don't want and what we don't have. It's a surefire way to make you feel lousy and keep you busy, most of us have lots of things we don't want and would like to have! The key here is to immediately shift your thinking when you find yourself caught in this trap.

Sit down and take out some paper, your journal or at your computer keyboard and start making a list of all of the things you are most grateful for. Just free write everything as it comes to mind and commit to staying with it until you feel you've made the shift inside. Usually, an item will come to me and I literally just start to smile. If I focus on just the ones I love alone and how grateful I am to have them in my life, I can't help but to have a complete shift to a more positive mental attitude. Keep building the list as often as necessary.

Play a game with yourself over time and see how many entries you can accumulate! The last time I did this exercise the entry that made me smile the most was "I am so grateful for not having a hairy back!"


I love great questions that have the power to completely change your mental state and what you are focusing on! I even have a section here on the site dedicated to amazing questions. The previous exercise is really your response to the question "What are you most grateful for" Try asking yourself "What am I proud about in my life right now"

Again, it's great to write out your answers. As the responses come to you, really focus on what about "it" makes you most proud and how it makes you feel right now. Pay attention to the images in your thoughts and continue to focus on them. You'll be feeling like a million bucks in no time!